
Phase One opens next week, get ready!!

Posted by Alejandro Uriarte on February 05, 2017 | 0 comment

Phase one will open next week, be ready to receive your invitations.

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Diner en Blanc San Juan and Fundación Dorada

Posted by Alejandro Uriarte on February 04, 2017 | 0 comment

Diner en Blanc se enorgullece de apoyar en esta edición 2017 a la Fundación Dorada. Al finalizar el evento, tendremos una carpa donde todos los invitados podrán donar sus mesas, sillas, cubiertos, platos, copas, manteles, etc. Los mismos serán repartidos por la Fundación a personas necesitadas de avanzada edad a través de la isla. Gracias a Vivian Arthur, Presidenta de la Junta de Directores por permitirnos cooperar con esta excelente iniciativa. En Fundación Dorada tenemos como misión apoyar y mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas menos afortunadas de edad avanzada y con discapacidad, a través de diversas activ...

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Press Conference

Posted by Alejandro Uriarte on February 03, 2017 | 0 comment

Diner en Blanc San Juan le da las gracias a Terestella González Denton y su equipo en la UNE por ser los anfitriones de nuestra conferencia de prensa ayer. También le damos las gracias a nuestra Chef Ejecutiva Cielito Rosado y al Chef Patrick Escobar por la excelente degustación del Menú que vamos a disfrutar el día del evento. Tambien muchas gracias a B. Fernández & Hnos Inc. por la degustación de vinos y espumosos. El Menú de este año esta espectacular, no se lo pueden perder.

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jetBlue joins Diner en Blanc San Juan 2017

Posted by Alejandro Uriarte on January 18, 2017 | 0 comment

Diner en Blanc San Juan le da la gran bienvenida a JetBlue como uno de nuestros auspiciadores para el evento en el 2017. Estamos muy orgullosos de contar con el respaldo de nuestra aerolínea favorita!

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Save the date - 11 de marzo!!

Posted by Alejandro Uriarte on January 17, 2017 | 0 comment

Amigos de Diner en Blanc San Juan: Por fín tenemos fecha para nuestro segundo evento anual de Diner en Blanc San Juan. Separen sus calendarios, el evento será el próximo sábado, 11 de marzo. Las invitaciones para el evento se estarán enviando a partir de Febrero, estaremos comenzando a "postear" mas información del evento en esta página y en nuestra páagina web en: Para los que no fueron a nuestro primer evento, recuerden regístrarse en nuestra lista de espera en: Que comiencen los preparativos, será otra velada inolvidable!

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Member's wall
Started by Topic title Replies Views Last post
Lourdes C.
Buenas tardes, ¿se puede mostrar la evidencia de c...
0 16
Caroline R.
buen dia es mi primera vez en participar me gustar...
0 143
Caroline R.
Ya lo encontre en la pagina graciassss
0 277
Caroline R.
Buen dia con el recibo de pago y el num de orden e...
0 278
Yashira V.
Obligatoriamente hay que llevar los recibos impres...
0 293

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Most viewed questions

Is Dîner en Blanc an illegal activity?

All events produced according to Le Dîner en Blanc International guidelines require local hosts to acquire the proper authorization, permits, and insurances before proceeding with their event. On the other hand, since its beginning, Le Dîner en Blanc de Paris has been taking place without authorization, in some of the city’s most prestigious sites. The first editions were not easy to pull off. Today, French authorities know that the event is always well organized and that guests are always respectful of public property. Moreover, the event’s photogenic quality helps promote the city’s image as a stylish Metropolis.

How many Dîner en Blanc events are there in the world?

Founded in 2012, Dîner en Blanc International is responsible for developing this secret posh picnic in close to 80 cities in 30 countries around the world with over 130,000 participants. The largest and most internationally recognized Le Dîner en Blanc remains the original Paris event.

How can I participate?

Registration for Le Dîner en Blanc takes place in 3 phases:
Phase 1: Members from the previous year and friends of the organization and leaders
Phase 2: Friends "sponsored" by Phase 1 members
Phase 3: People who signed up to the waiting list

What are the key rules of the event?

Le Dîner en Blanc requires from the participants an exemplary citizenship and discipline. Here are the main rules:

● Rain or shine, guests are expected.
● Exude Elegance … in white. Originality is encouraged, as long as it remains elegant and tasteful.
● Bring your own table, chairs, and picnic basket.
● Follow the Volunteer Leader’s instructions.
● Arrive and leave with your Leader. Nobody arrives at the site on their own.
● Drink responsibly. Champagne or wine only. No spirits or beer.
● Clean up: Take all your garbage with you and clean the area around your table.

What must guests wear?

All guests must dress elegantly in head-to-toe white. This means no ivory, no off-white, and no beige… Originality is always encouraged, as long as it stays stylish and tasteful.

What must guests bring?

A square folding-table and two white chairs; a white picnic basket and/or bag including a gourmet meal for two, a white tablecloth and cloth-napkins, cutlery, dishware, and glassware; and a garbage bag.

What kind of table do I need to bring?

The table must be square, foldable, and easy to carry. The size must be between 27 and 32 inches (68 and 81 cm). The table does not have to be white as it will be covered with a white tablecloth.

Why not let guests decide on the size and shape of their table?

Le Dîner en Blanc is always held in a public location with space limitations, and local organizers must therefore limit the size of the tables to optimize the given space.
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