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How are bottles kept cold?

One very frequent question asked about our event is how are champagne and white wine stay cold in a warm anf fuzzy puertorican May afternoon.

The answer is: Ice Bags!!

Our Wine and Champagne supplier B Fernandez, in colaboration with it's fabulous store El Almacen del Vino will provide the ice bags depicted in the post picture for white wine and champagne only.  Red wine will be served at ambient temperature.  

We will have limited ice for distribution in the event, but we also encourage everybody to take some ice with them in a cooler if possible.  Coolers cannot be made our of foam please.  They do not have to be white, but they need to be small enough to be able to hide under the tables.

If you have questions, please feel free to write to us at [email protected]

DEB San Juan

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